Master’s Projects
Master’s Final Project: Density of Urban Life
How to make density inviting, appealing, and desirable? Read more…
8 weeks of research,
8 weeks of project development,
From: January 21st, 2015,
To: May 11th, 2015.
Independent Student Work.
The city block is limited by:
E 18th st,
E 19th st,
1st Ave S,
Stevens Ave ,
Minneapolis, MN, 55403.
Jennifer Yoos.
Revitalization of Morgan Park
How to invite businesses and young residents to a small town? Read more…
8 weeks,
From: November 2014,
To: December 2014.
Group Student Project.
in collaboration with:
Bingqin Huang
Anthony Lau
Benjamin Basaran.
My contribution: architecture.
Morgan Park, Duluth.
Ozayr Saloojee,
James Wheeler.
Renovation of Hamilton Wood Type and Printing Museum
How to preserve type history and find a place for it in the digital age? Read more…
8 weeks,
From: April 2014,
To: May 2014.
Independent student work.
Renovated building:
1816 10th St, Two Rivers, WI.
Salvaged Building:
1316 18TH ST, Two Rivers, WI.
Bill Morgan.
Renovation of the De La Jeune Lune Theatre
Are dark spaces a problem or an opportunity? Read more…
7 weeks,
From: November 1st, 2013,
To: December 18th, 2013.
Independent Student Work.
100 1st Avenue North,
Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Andrzej Piotrowski.
Gen Y eco-house (State Fair)
What does the new generation prioritize in housing? Read more…
18 weeks,
From: April 2012,
To: August 2012.
Group Student Project:
Dantes Ha, Heather Brierley,
Jason Vanselow, Perry Kinsman,
Sophia Skemp, Tianye Zhou,
Tiffany Chen, Michael Lima,
Nicholas Kramer, Thea Holmberg,
Wei Liu, Xiao Han.
Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Julia W Robinson,
Paola Sanchez-Garret,
James Garret Junior.
Um Segredo Secret club
How to create synergy between secret, private, and public spaces? Read more…
8 weeks,
From: November 2012,
To: December 2012.
Independent student project.
Minneapolis, MN, USA.
Adam Marcus,
Vanessa Abin-Fuentes,
Claire Lonsbury.